YCSA partners with York residents who are in need of support, services, and referrals during a difficult time in their lives with the help of staff, volunteers and our community.

Michelle Surdoval
Executive Director
Office: 207.363.5504 ext. 5
Cell: 207.650.8704
Janie Sweeney
Family Services Manager
Town of York General Assistance Director
Office: 207.363.5504 ext. 2
Cell: 207.337.1867
Maureen Monsen
Food Pantry Manager
Community Supper Manager
Office: 207.363.5504 ext.3
Donald Martin
Thrift Store Manager and
Operations Manager
Office: 207.363.5504 ext. 4
Amber Harrison
Housing Innovation Manager
Local Health Officer
Office: 207.363.5504 ext. 6
Cell: 207.351.6517
We would like to say
thank you
to our wonderful volunteers!

Bring your family and friends to the
every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month!
Enjoy a fun night out, a complimentary
meal, and a chance to visit
with members of your community.
You are invited to JOIN US!

Neighbors helping neighbors.